The World Still Turns

Now more than ever we live in the most divided time. As the Fourth of July comes many will be saying they, ‘They love America.’ In reality, they only love the part that is familiar and comforting to them.

Gone are the days of seeking information and dialogue. The sides have been determined. It’s too bad that rather than one country, we are clusters of tribal discontentment. Disinformation is the new currency of press gangs.

Freedom of speech without freedom from consequences has pushed our nation to the brink. As dramatic as this sounds and appears, the world still turns. If you watch old news videos from 20 or 30 years ago, they communicate with great urgency the news of their day. How high the Down is, the rise in housing costs. Today we laugh at the figures that they espoused with such fervor.

Ultimately, we are all just insignificant particles desperately seeking meaning and attempting to create relevant stories for ourselves. Our time has always been fleeting. Who if anyone will remember us hundreds or thousands of years from now? Does nothing then matter? Of course not! We still must seek equal rights and protections for all citizens. I merely bring this forth, to calm those who get paralyzed with the fear and drama.

We have all been through a lot in these unprecedented times. Some more than others. Focusing on the symbols, the cult of personality does not improve one’s daily life. Small meaning personal moments does.

Focus on creating meaning for yourself, but not meaning that must be imposed on others. This is what freedom means.

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